Namaste - "I See You, Beautiful Soul!
Janine is an Intuitive, a Visionary / Seer, a Channel for Universal Wisdom, a Teacher of Heart-Centered Self Awareness, a Writer and a Speaker / Facilitator.
Janine calls herself a Messenger for Love.
A little about me in my own words...
I believe in the sacredness of all that is held within our hearts – our Powerful Creative Centre!
I see the good in every person, no matter how they present here in this world. I see the soul within the human being having this tangible experience of creating their own reality within every moment.
In the understanding that we all live life in our own way, through our own choices, we take back responsibility for how our life turns out – a truly powerful place to be.
My knowing is that the pathway to the new emerging world is found through our heart, and the new world comes into view for us as we move deeper into our feelings, as we open to loving ourselves and our changing life, and as we shift out of separateness from others and into Oneness with ALL, through Love's presence within every moment.

Introducing Janine...
Janine has had a knowing of life as a ‘multi layered’ reality since the tiniest child, and says it feels like she was ‘born wide awake’!
Janine's promise to you is that your life will not be the same once you awaken to yourself on a deeper level.
To realise that you are pure Light/divine Love experiencing itself within a physical form... takes this life experience to a whole new, way more expanded level.
The greatest and most beautiful guide in this Universe is LOVE and Janine has a deep intimate relationship with LOVE... you can too, and she will show you how this is not only possible but is the TRUTH of who you are.
Janine, I greatly valued the time and energy that you gave myself and John on Saturday 11th in Christchurch. The time spent, information and energy exchanged was exceptional, uplifting and deeply healing. Things have started to move along now, a block released and energy on the rise.
All my very best regards to you for the wonderful work that you are doing. May you be always blessed
David – Dunedin NZ
Without fail, Janine has provided valuable heart centric insights for each and every question I've posed to her.
If your knowing brought you to her doorstep...If you are standing at the door...You are home...
You only have to knock...
Marshall - Las Vegas
I have found Janine’s personal one on one sessions extremely valuable because she gives me support and guidance for my spiritual growth and helps me understand the significance and bigger picture of events in my life. Her wisdom and gentle encouragement help me stay on track and confirms my own inner knowing.
Thank you.
Sherrill - Auckland